Kaltura - 3rd-party cookies udfordring
Nedenstående vejledninger viser hvordan man aktiverer 3rd-party cookies, så man ikke får fejl når man forsøger at afspille Kaltura videoer (Dine videoer).
Disse vejledninger findes også på https://kb.rice.edu/95923 men da siden til tider går ned, har vi valgt at gengive vejledningerne i deres oprindelige form nedenfor.
Safari on Mac (macOS, OS X)
1. Open "Preferences" from the Safari menu

2. With "Preferences" open, click the “Privacy” tab. Follow either of the two steps below, depending on your version of Safari.
A. Under “Cookies and website data” click “Always Allow.” At the bottom of the Privacy tab, make sure that Safari’s "Do Not Track" feature is unchecked.
B. Make sure that "Prevent cross-site tracking" and “Block all cookies” are both unchecked.

Safari on iPhone
1. Return to the home screen by pressing the round button underneath the screen. Then, find the "Settings" icon and tap on it.

2. Scroll down and tap on the "Safari" item.

3. Make sure that both "Prevent cross-site tracking" and “Block all cookies” are unchecked.

4. Please note! You will need to restart Safari before the settings take full effect.
Google Chrome
Nedenstående afhjælper ikke problemet i Google Chrome i øjeblikket (der arbejdes på sagen). Indtil da: anvend en anden browser.
1. Click or tap on the "Customize and control Google Chrome" button from the top-right corner of the window. It looks like three dots arranged vertically. In the menu that opens, go to "Settings."

2. Scroll down and click "Advanced" at the bottom of the window.

3. Scroll down to "Privacy and security," and click "Site Settings."
4. In the "Permissions" section, click on "Cookies and site data."

5. Set the "Block third-party cookies" switch to "off"; make sure the circle is on the left and the bar is gray.

Mozilla Firefox
1. Click the "menu" button in the top-right corner. In the menu that opens, choose "Options."

2. In the "Options" tab, choose "Privacy & Security" on the left.

3. Make sure this is set to "Standard."